Black tea is one of the ancient types of teas that usually is in more demand by the people. This type of tea was previously made with the traditional method, which is also called as orthodox tea. However, as the technology developed, black tea started coming in the market through CTC method, which is highly followed in Assam. This type of tea has numerous health benefits irrespective of which type of process it is made from. Eventually, if you are looking for a better option that would save your money then go for CTC black tea, but if you don’t wish to compromise with the quality then traditional orthodox tea is better.
Know About Black Tea:
The actual meaning of black tea is the tea that is served without any use of sugar or milk. It simply has water with the taste of the dried leaves. Such type of tea is completely fermented before it is dried out completely. As compared to CTC, black tea is more popular as the Orthodox tea as it gets well oxidized as compared to oolong. This type of tea is made from the small shrub of the leaves and has a strong essence and flavor as compared to the less oxidized CTC processed tea.
Know the Benefits of Black Tea:
Whether you go for Black CTC tea or the orthodox black tea, both the types only vary in terms of quality and flavor. The benefits of this type of tea remain the same, which stays for a long time. If you don’t add any sweeteners in it and drink it early morning, you can gain ample of advantages such as:
- It helps to boost up your immunity system
- Your body eradicates all the toxins from the root
- It does not have many calories due to which chances of obesity and diabetes reduces.
- It is best for the heart patients or the one who have BP problem
- It is the best antioxidant, which keeps the stamina intact and body active
Difference Between CTC Black Tea and Orthodox Black Tea

Both the categories of tea distinguished with respect to the way it is processed. In a most general way, the tea processing includes the oxidation process through different manners till the leaves get dried it. When the comparison between these two types was made, it was found that the ingredients like methylsalcylate, cis-3-hexenol, and linalool oxides varied in both the types. A huge difference in the presence of geraniol was found in the black tea made from CTC vs. orthodox tea.
If you are still confused whether CTC-based black tea is better or the Orthodox black tea is a good option, always make sure that you are clear with what type of quality, taste and budget do you preferred. Tea processing is one efficient way through which the leave from tea plant is converted in the dried leaves, which can be used for brewing the tea. Depending upon the method that you prefer to go with, you can decide on which type of black tea would you like to have.