15 Things We Bet Will Make You Purchase Green Tea Bags!

Not a great fan of green teas? Then, you mustn’t have read all available information on green tea yet!

That’s because once you read these 15 perks of carrying green tea bags in your pouch, we bet you’ll rush to purchase them today itself! So, without any further delay, let’s get to the ground and read all you need to know about these magical tea bags.

#1- Detox –
Whether a bad hangover or too much of toxin in your body, a cup of green tea can flush all impurities out of your system. So, carry a couple of these tea bags in your pouch for you never know when you hit a pub!

#2- Save Your Brain –
Unlike coffee, green tea is replete with the amino acid L-theanine that increases the activity of GABA in human brain. Don’t you know what GABA does? Well, it calms down your anxious mind!

#3- Get Energized –
Green tea has proven effects on energy proliferation. One cup each in the morning and evening will save those tired lids from drooping.

#4- Quick Cups; No Mess –

Have you been spilling water and messing your kitchen while making the perfect brew? It’s time you change. Consider switching over to green tea bags. These serve quick cups of tea in 2 to 3 minutes!

#5- Burn Some Fat –

Green tea increases the body metabolism rate and helps to burn more fat.
If you want to shed that extra belly flab and fit into your dream attire, drinking tea might prove more effective than jogging painful miles!

#6- Reduced Cancer Risks –

Antioxidants and polyphenols like EGCG present in green tea have anti-cancerous properties. They cut down chances of tumorous growth in body cells.

#7- Tea Bag Benefits –

Once your brew is ready, do not throw the tea bag away. It can be used for multiple beauty benefits.

  • Place a chilled tea bag over your eyes to cure puffiness.
  • Put the soaked tea bag on a bruise to cure it faster.

#8- Blow the Blues Away –

One of the major benefits of green tea is having calming effects on the brain, thereby curing anxiety and depression. So, if you are suddenly feeling gloomy and despair, curl up to your favorite corner and have a sip of green tea! It might help…

#9- Flavours that Feel Good!

Green tea bags, when purchased from renowned manufacturers, have a variety of refreshing flavors like lemon, honey and ginger. These add some fun to the boring morning brew!

#10- Bid Goodbye to Type II Diabetes –

According to a Japanese research, those who drank 6 or more cups of green tea in a day had 33% reduced chances of developing Type II Diabetes. It helps to regulate the blood sugar and insulin level, thereby preventing the disease.

#11- No Tooth Decay –

Did you know that presence of “catechin” in green tea prevents those bacteria responsible for throat infections and tooth decay?

#12- Anti-acne –

If you are often bothered by painful eruptions on your skin, try green tea! It has got anti-acne properties as it is rich in antioxidants!

#13- No more Alzheimer’s; no more Parkinson’s –

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases are becoming increasingly common in old age. Save your future from being so traumatizing with some cups of green tea today.

#14- Fight Bad Cholesterol –

Green tea reduces the percentage of bad cholesterol in the blood and increases good cholesterol!

#15- Live Longer –

Several studies show that green tea helps consumers to live longer and healthier. Well, with all those health benefits, this had to happen!

What are you still waiting for? Don’t you want to get your Green Tea Bags Online from a certified tea seller today?!

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