Masala Tea to Kick-Start Your Day with a ‘Desi’ Twist to Your Daily Beverage

Have you ever tasted “masala chai”?

Well, many people prefer coffee to tea until they get to sip the authentic desi masala chai. It is just a simple twist to your daily beverage that makes the taste linger for a long period. Now, you might be wondering what masala chai is and how to make it?

All you need is to follow the recipe and process that is shared below in this article. Just a few minutes of your time and you will have a cuppa of the best beverage ever!

Let’s start with the ingredients!

Ingredients for Masala Chai

First of all, this is how you make a chai latte which is the same as masala chai. Indian people love to sip on chai rather than any other beverages. However, this version of masala chai is far better than the watered-down chai latte that you can get at a coffee shop. Hence, if you want to know the authentic taste of desi masala chai, follow every step which is below.

The first ingredient to make the ultimate masala chai is whole cloves (40). Next, one would require cardamom pods (2) to make one’s tea’s flavour explode in mouth. Then, get 1 cinnamon stick which you would need to break into pieces when making the tea. Apart from these, an individual would need to 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger along with freshly grounded 1/8 teaspoon black pepper, 3 cups of water, and half-a-cup of milk.

Now you should know that this tea should have a flavour which is sweet with a hint of spices. Hence, the last two ingredients include 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 2 tablespoons of black tea. For best results, it will be best if the black tea is decaf. Just a note, you can also buy masala tea online these days.

Direction to Prepare it

The first step for you is to crush the ingredients cinnamon, cardamom pods, and cloves in a coffee grinder or mortar. After ensuring that it is crushed adequately, transfer these spices in a saucepan, preferably small in size.

Next add water, pepper, and ginger and boil it. After sufficient amount of boiling, remove pan from heat. Keep the lid to cover it and steep it for a maximum of 5 minutes.

Last few steps include adding sugar and milk to the pan before boiling it. Then, remove the saucepan from heat and add black tea. 3 minutes steeping with cover on is the way to go. Finally, stir your tea and pour it into teacups directly or on a teapot.

Now you have the best masala chai to sip on while relaxing at home!

It is how you can make a masala tea. Depending on your taste, you can add your preferred amount of spices. However, if you want to have the best masala chai without having to go through so much hassle, then you can look at the option to buy masala tea online.

How you want to have masala chai is up to you but ensure to taste it at least once in your lifetime!

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