Unlock the Goodness of Green Tea in the Coldest Month

Those misty, cold winter mornings…

Isn’t getting out of your bed the most difficult thing ever? Well, the ideal way to wake up is with a cuppa in your hand and the daily newspaper. Really? Not really? Quit the cuppa – join the green tea bandwagon this winter!! As it is known worldwide, green tea has long left the domain of a mere beverage and reached the ranks of health remedy. Hence, it is time that you take the leap of…drink?!

Also, courtesy to those temperature fluctuations and delicacies cooking in the kitchens, keeping a tab on your tongue is quite difficult. In such cases, starting the day with this green beverage is an ideal way to deal with the upcoming health issues. That’s one factor. How about checking out some other positives that this drink brings with itself? Scroll down –

Unlocking the Positives of this Green Drink

You may have heard multiple times as to how green tea, unlike its competitors, is beneficial for your health. However, the question remains – what is with its benefits in the coldest of seasons? Well, it is time to unlock the details.

1. Acts as the Perfect Immunity Booster

Cold-inducing pathogens wait to prey on your body in the winters. To save yourself from fever, cough and cold, a cup of this morning drink is a must. Its anti-viral properties ensure that you remain protected (as per a survey report from a Japanese media – a group of Japanese schoolchildren who started their day with a cup of green tea throughout the winters suffered less compared to their fellow students). Contagious diseases can bid a permanent goodbye too!

2. Lowers Chances of Type II Diabetes

As much as one enjoys the winters, one cannot deny that it is a harbinger of multiple health issues. A cup of green tea, especially in the winter mornings, can help reduce chances of one been diagnosed with the Type II diabetes.

3. A Perfect Weight Watcher

Winters, courtesy to those unhealthy yet yummy snacks, can raise your weight. How to keep it on track? A cup of green tea on a regular basis is the ideal way to deal with the same. It not only suppresses your appetite but also raises your metabolism level. How about ditching your winter morning walks? It also helps to heal mild stomach ulcers and reduce internal heating in one’s body.

Tip: For those who enjoy their tea with a dash of sweet in it, add some honey to your green tea. In case you like it tangy, just like winter mornings, a lime dash could be the flavor to add.

Just make sure that you get this cup of goodness from a reputed seller and enjoy its positives in those balmy winter morrows!!

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