Top 10 Indian Tea Recipes List

Like the varied culture of India, people here enjoy a variety of tea. The warmth of the teacup provides morning freshness to reduce evening stress. If you wonder what your favorite cup of tea will be, try these fantastic healthy Indian tea recipes.

Top 10 Indian tea recipes 

Here are the top 10 tea recipes that you can try at your home.

Honey Ginger Tea

This tea is an excellent concoction to fight cold and cough. To prepare this tea, you need to brew the regular black tea and shredded ginger for about 2 minutes. You can avoid sugar to make this tea healthier. Instead of sugar, add one or two teaspoons of honey and stir it well.

Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass is beneficial for your hair and skin. If you want to make this tea, first wash and cut leaves and stalks of lemongrass. Then boil water in a pan and add lemongrass to it. You can add honey or jaggery to the tea if you don’t prefer sugar.

Tulsi Chai tea recipes

Tulsi leaves have antioxidant properties that work well in every season. Take 1/4th cup of tulsi leaves and add it to 2 cups boiling water. Let it simmer until you get a dark red colored mixture. Separate the leaves using a strainer and pour the hot mixture into cups. You can add lemon juice and sugar to your taste.

Lemon Tea

This tea is a common name in Indian households. You can make lemon tea with easy steps. To make lemon tea first, you need to brew regular black tea. Then, you can add black pepper and cumin seeds. Finally, pour the mixture into cups and add freshly cut lemon juice and rock salt.

Masala Tea

Masala tea is known for its ample health benefits and spicy flavor. To prepare this tea, you need to pour water and add crushed ginger, cardamom, lemongrass, cloves, cinnamon with black tea. You can also add milk or consume the drink raw.

Black Tea with Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds have diuretic properties, and it helps in healthy digestion. You can use fennel seeds while having black tea. Add a teaspoon of fennel seeds into the water along with black tea. Fennel seeds have their natural sweetness. So you can enjoy the tea without adding sugar to it.

Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea has lots of healthy properties when consumed with green tea. First, boil a cup of water and add some green tea to it. Next, add some freshly picked jasmine into your teapot and pour it into a cup. To enjoy the delicate aroma of jasmine, avoid milk with tea.

Indian Cardamom Tea

Cardamom is good for soothing digestive problems. You can enjoy this tea with or without milk. To prepare this tea with milk, you need to boil water and add sugar to it. When the water simmers, add liquid milk and tea leaves. Let it brew for a couple of minutes, and add cardamom pods into it. Collect the liquid into a pot and pour it into cups.

Kashmiri Kahwa

It is suitable for detoxification and stress reduction. To make Kashmiri Kahwa tea, brew Kashmiri green tea with whole spices, nuts, and saffron. Then, add a bit of honey and mix it properly. You can also add some rose petals to decorate.

You can prepare these Indian tea recipes any time of the year and enjoy them with your beloved ones. Preparing all these teas is pretty easy, and they have many beneficial properties. But preparing these teas has no hard and fast rule. Instead, you can use your creativity to make the tea you want.

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