With the humongous outbreak of COVID-19, people across the globe are maintaining social distancing. Apart from medical professionals like doctors, nurses and other staffs related to healthcare, more or less everyone is doing their work sitting at home. As people are unable to go out, sitting at home for the whole day make them feel bored. However, instead of binge-eating, individuals must cut down their calorie intake. Tea-loving people can prefer having different seasoned tea while working from home, and these flavoured leaves contribute to health as well. Some of them are:
1. Masala Tea
Masala tea or ‘chai’ as Indians call it, is a mixture of chai with different spices. In older times, people used to roast and grind the spices separately and then boiled it with tea leaves. This was time-consuming. But now masala chai is readily accessible in loose form as well as in tea bags. The various spices present in masala tea are:
- Clove:
Fried cloves give a delicate seasoning to the spiced chai. Moreover, cloves play a vital role in curing cough.
- Green Cardamom:
The dominating spice in a masala chai is cardamom. It provides an attracting fragrance to the beverage.
- Ginger:
It is a prevalent essence in a spiced chai. Many people also love tea while working from home with only ginger.
- Cinnamon:
The benefit of cinnamon is that it serves as an antiseptic and reduces inflammation. Furthermore, it also helps in controlling diabetes.
- Peppercorn:
Using peppercorns will keep a person charged up for the day, and it provides a unique taste.
- Fennel Seeds:
After having a large meal, one can add a spoonful of fennel seeds to the boiling tea water to make the chai more aromatic. These seeds help in enhancing digestion and treating asthma.
2. Chamomile Tea
Instead of having regular tea, people must try chamomile tea. It contains anti-oxidants which are used to cure sleep disorders, prevent cancer, improve digestion, etc. However, one may also have it after completing their work. It helps in removing all the anxiety and stress.
3. Peppermint Tea
Peppermint gives a refreshing and cooling sensation. This is due to the menthol present in it. It also has several health benefits as it fights against bacteria, provides relief to migraine and blocked sinuses. Since it is free of caffeine, peppermint tea aids proper slumber and enhances concentration.
4. Lemon Green Tea
Green tea already contains a bunch of health benefits. But when lemon gets added to it, it becomes more nutritious. It takes a very short duration for its preparation. People who are worried about gaining weight while working from home can prefer having lemon green tea. As it burns the extra calories and fats and accelerates body metabolism.
5. White Tea
This is an alternative of green tea which is also rich with anti-oxidant features. White tea is a miraculous beverage which will help to keep an individual healthy.
With all the energising factors and medicinal uses, drinking tea while working from home can be beneficial in this outbreak of coronavirus.